Monday, November 8, 2010


i dont think i can get any  thing form mybe to see what people can do and talk to them.
and the things i take is have to talk to poeple that i dont relly talk to 

Friday, November 5, 2010


im good at doing what im told and copying stuff and a do cause problems in this class
im not social im this class i stay quite when i have an idea and i dont want to be in class so i cant relly do my best

Monday, October 18, 2010

BPA Information

Business Professionals of America is for students pursuing careers in business management, office administration, information technology and other related career fields. BPA has more than 51,000 members in over 2,300 chapters in 23 states. BPA is a "co-curricular" organization that supports business and information technology.
Their is a BPA meeting today after school at 3:30 in Mrs. Goeldner's room for anyone who is interested in joining.